The renowned television actress shares her insights about living a long and
healthy life.
by Douglas Hunt, M.D.
Most people know her as Mary Ann, the pretty "girl-next-door" from Kansas
who finds herself shipwrecked with the rest of the cast of Gilligan’s Island.
But there is more to Dawn Wells than the character she portrayed in the 1964
- 1967 series.
Although Dawn the woman is more complex than Mary Ann the
character, she’s on friendly terms with the farm-girl-turned-island-castaway.
"There’s a lot of me in Mary Ann and vice versa," especially the awareness
about what makes for a long and happy life. Dawn says that we’re all faced
with the decision whether or not to "play" a healthy, robust person in life.
If we choose to accept the challenge, then we need to nourish ourselves every
day of our lives with precise nutrients that bolster the body and spirit.
As a result, life will reward you with positive feedback.
"Any place in the world where I go, I’m greeted with love. From Beijing to
Johannesburg to Mexico." She smiles. "That’s not bad to have people say how
much they love you and that you meant something to them in their childhood.
Why would anyone not want that?"
In particular, women have admired Mary Ann’s intelligence, warmth, wit,
practicality, and simplicity. "She was a nice girl. You could trust her, she
could be a girl’s best friend without trying to take your boyfriend away. We
could use a few of her today." And Mary Ann is always popular with men, who
are drawn to her compassion and playfulness wrapped in a subtle layer of
sensuality. "I got the role on the show right out of college, and I was brand
new to the business," she recalls. Since Gilligan’s Island, Dawn has
performed in over 60 plays, from Tennessee Williams to William Shakespeare,
displaying "a range that you never in a million years would have expected
from me as Mary Ann." But Dawn’s heart feels most at home with the work she
performs beyond the stage.
Indeed, Dawn travels extensively every year for various charitable causes.
She has been actively involved with the Children’s Miracle Network Telethon
for many years, having co-hosted and co-produced the event for mid-Missouri
since 1985. In addition, Dawn serves on the University of Missouri’s
Children’s Hospital advisory board. "I’ve watched surgeries and been
involved with observing the care that is given to these kids." In fact,
Dawn’s major in college was pre-med, before she caught the "acting bug."
Dawn also has been concerned about the treatment of older
people. Disappointed by the care that some of her older relatives have
received, Dawn also has developed her own clothing line, called Wishing
Wells Collections. "It’s for people who have difficulty getting dressed,
people who are recovering from things like stroke."
"So I came up with the clothing line so that older people can dress
themselves and get back that spirit to heal. A lot does depend on how we
look, how we feel about ourselves."
"I think a lot of my continued good health is genetic,
but also I was raised with good, solid nutrition." She notes, "My upbringing
with my mother was always very balanced." Growing up in Reno, Nevada and its
clear air definitely helped. "There was always a garden growing. We had fresh
vegetables, fresh fruit I don’t think I ever ate a canned vegetable. Plus,
I always make sure to take a multivitamin."
Dawn’s healthy nutritional tips are evident in her book, Mary Ann’s
Gilligan’s Island Cookbook. It is a culmination of four generations of
family recipes, along with contributions from friends and her colleagues on
the show, some with a definite tropical twist.
Dawn believes that being active is another important element of staying
healthy over time. "You look at the people who are 100 or older all of
them are doers. Not many of them sit around."
In addition, "All of them have a passion of some sort a passion of caring,
a passion of painting, a passion of gardening. A passion for something to
keep them going." Despite having bad knees ever since she was a teenager,
Dawn says: "I love the outdoors. I fish, horseback ride, swim. In fact, the
best thing for me is water aerobics. That’s what I love the most."
Plus, Dawn travels a lot, and in her own words, "I’m not a sitter. Even in
my office, I stand at my desk." A world traveler, Dawn has been able to
climb the mountains of Rwanda to see the gorillas and been among the first
women to canoe through the exotic Solomon Islands. But even if people don’t
have those opportunities, they can still be active.
Much of the appeal of the Mary Ann character seemed to
radiate from somewhere deeper, more grounded very real and present.
It’s in Dawn’s eyes they have an energy that holds you the instant you meet
her. Wide, aware, curious, and expectant, they’re always focused on you as
you speak. They’re also bright and erupt with warmth and excitement as she
talks about her life and the people that mean so much to her.
In fact, Dawn is especially careful to maintain the health of her eyes. "I
take a supplement that contains vitamin A, among other things, to guard
against macular degeneration."
As a physician whose observed enough patients struggling with poor vision, I
was encouraged by Dawn’s awareness of this growing problem. According to the
Journal of the American Medical Association, age-related macular degeneration
(AMD) is the leading cause of irreversible blindness among those over 65.
That’s right - irreversible. Unlike cataracts, where vision can be restored by
replacing the diseased lens, AMD does not offer this possibility because the
macula (the central part of the retina itself) becomes damaged beyond
And the effects of AMD can be psychologically as well as physically
devastating. Activities that are essential for independent living, such as
reading, driving, and writing, are most impaired by this loss of central
vision. Most cases of AMD are believed to occur because of free radicals,
roaming electrons caused by an overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. That’s
why taking vitamin A, as Dawn does, can be so beneficial in protecting your
Vitamin A, an essential substance that fights free radical damage -especially
in the eyes - is one of many compounds called carotenoids. Abundant in fruit
and vegetables (mainly in carrots), the most famous carotenoid is
beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.
One of the most comprehensive studies on vitamin A was conducted on more
than 50,000 women beginning in 1980. Researchers found that women with the
highest total vitamin A intake had a 39% lower risk of developing eye
problems (Hankinson 1992). In addition, a study published in the journal
Experimental Eye Research found that oral supplementation with vitamin A
could restore visual function within eight days (Kemp 1988).
Dawn feels she has learned a lot about getting older from
her 88-year-old mother. "She’s always using her mind, always giving her
brain practice. You read about people getting Alzheimer’s because they have
a few symptoms and then stop exercising their brains. My mother won’t use a
calculator, she still remembers phone numbers. She always keeps her brain
sharp. Her body is giving out, even though her mind is there 100 percent.
"Dawn welcomes the chance to care for someone who has meant so much to her.
"I think about all the things that my mother has done for me, and this is
such a small thing to be there for her. I feel grateful that I’ve had her
in my life and that I can give something back."
Recently, other carotenoids besides vitamin A have been discovered by
researchers to offer significant benefits for the eyes. These newcomers,
lutein and zeaxanthin, are considered to be state-of-the-art pro-vision
nutrients that quench free radicals and protect the retina and, more
specifically, the macula (Schalch 1992).
The Journal of the American Medical Association found that among 356 test
subjects - those with the highest intake of carotenoids (featuring lutein and
zeaxanthin) had a 43% lower risk of AMD (Seddon 1994).
In addition to the carotenoid family, tocopherols (vitamin E) play a major
role in eye health. In 1992, the British Medical Journal found that people
with low concentrations of tocopherol had a higher risk factor for
experiencing eye damage (Knekt 1992). This potent antioxidant is one of the
most well-known free radical fighters for the eyes. I recommend that you
seek out a source of mixed tocopherols - in other words, several highly
absorbable forms of vitamin E.
Convincing studies show that using a combination of lutein and zeaxanthin,
along with vitamins A and E, is the best way to ensure proper eye health.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that a combination of
these carotenoids and antioxidant vitamins may be the best way to slow the
destructive processes that occur in the eyes (Snodderly 1995). But keep this
in mind: Although eating a diet high in vegetables and fruits can give you
carotenoid substances, the way to ensure you are getting a concentrated and
potent amount is through oral supplementation.
Whether it is your eyes, heart, or any other part of your body, Dawn
emphasizes that a positive attitude has a lot to do with staying healthy.
Indeed, a sharp and healthy mind is a powerful weapon against illness.
In particular, Dawn always remembers Missy Braden, a girl she met at
University of Missouri’s Children’s Hospital who was suffering from cystic
fibrosis. "I had a real difficult time when she died. I believe in miracles
and positive thinking and last-minute breakthroughs, so why didn’t it work?
Well, over time I realized that in those 20 years that she lived, Missy had
more experiences - highlighted by such will, determination, and courage - than
anyone I’ve ever known."
Relentless in her enthusiasm for life, Dawn has aimed her sight on "the next
opportunity, the next challenge." Her schedule is a busy one. She was a
consulting producer for a television retrospective on Gilligan’s Island - from
the beginning to the end and featuring several of her home movies - for E!
Television’s True Hollywood Story, which aired in early December.
Plus, Dawn continues her speaking tours, doing motivational talks from
Louisiana to Oregon. She also runs a Film Actor’s Boot Camp at the foot of
the Teton Mountains to help actors making the transition from the amateur to
the professional level. "I think being a mentor to somebody else can be a
valuable gift that you can give as you get older."
In addition, co-star Russell Johnson ("the professor") and she will be
performing Peter and the Wolf in Seattle for an organization called Tree
House for abused children.
"I think that true longevity has to do with the thought that I don’t want my
life to end with me," says Dawn. "I would like somebody to have become
enriched or become better because of me - a time when I really touched
Indeed, Dawn Wells possesses a healthy energy, a love of life, and a belief
in the human spirit that truly makes her ready for the next millennium.
Mary Ann’s Gilligan’s Island Cookbook is available through Rutledge Hill Press at 211 Seventh Avenue North, Nashville, Tennessee 37219. The cost of the book is $12.95 ($17.95 Canadian), and all the proceeds go to the Missy Braden Scholarship Fund at Stephens College in Missouri. In addition, you can read about Dawn’s latest public appearances and find out about her Film Actor’s Boot Camp by logging onto her web site at