"The Skipper's Log"
To get the next issue of the "Skipper's Log," send a SASE or $5.00 cash, check or stamps for the next 6 issues to:
Pete Salisbury

The Skipper's Log
1430 14th St. Hut G
Imperial Beach, CA 91932-3815

Ahoy There Shipmates!

"The Skipper's Log" is a bi-monthly publication run by Pete Salisbury informing you about the latest events in the Gilligan's Island world. It is a free newsletter mailed directly to your home. To help out costs, Pete is only asking that you send a self addressed stamped envelope and extra stamps for each newsletter you wish to receive by mail. This is NOT an on-line fan club. Here is a story he covered in his latest newsletter. It was about Lovey (Natalie Schafer):

Ms. Schafer was diagnosed with liver cancer but according to Ms. Carlisle, "I never really thought that Natalie was really ill until the last 2 months... but not desperately ill. In the last three weeks I knew it was serious... she was a very gallant woman...I never saw her shed a tear, and the excruciating pain that she was in, I admired her for the way she was able to live with it. She was quite amazing".

When Ms. Schafer quietly passed away in her sleep, no memorial service was held at her her request, but Maury Hill and her secretary gave a small cocktail party at her house. A small group of various people that had been close and who loved Ms. Schafer. Actor Maury Hill first met Natalie Schafer during the days of live television. On an episode of "Kraft Television Theater", he was the juvenile star and Ms. Schafer played his mother. Mr Hill recently shared with 'The Skipper's Log' same memories of his long friendship with Natalie Schafer.

"Natalie would be pleased to know that you'll be issuing a copy of your newsletter to honor her 99th birthday. She was always very secretive about her age but during the course of the 40 years that I knew her I did discover it. When I admitted that fact (she was about 80 at the time), she paused, then laughed and said 'Thank God, I'm glad you know!'. Then shortly before her death which she knew was about to happen, she told me to be sure that her right age was printed in her obituary. I was astounded....but then after her death when all her friends expressed amazement at her age, with many comments about how young she seemed and looked, I understood why she wanted everyone to know and was hovering about, smiling to herself about how she had fooled everyone.


'Til next time, Pete Salibury