Filming Flubs and errors that are noticed when
watching certain episodes of Gilligan's Island.
In the show's opening, there is a very minute detail which
indicates that at the time of filming, our nation was in mourning
over the loss of President Kennedy. As the S.S. Minnow is
departing from the marina, it passes in front of a small building
on the shore in the background with a flagpole situated to the
right of it. The flagpole enters the picture just before the camera
switches to a different view of the boat, which then shows the
Minnow heading out to open sea. Flying from the flagpole is the
American flag, and it is flying at half staff which (on November
26, 1963) is in memory of President Kennedy. This opening
sequence can be seen on the opening of all black and white
During the show's theme song in the beginning they show Gilligan
and the Skipper on the ship's deck and when they say the words,
"...the Minnow would be lost..." Skipper moves to the right and
his elbow bumps out from behind the deck wall (you then can tell
the "ship" is only a wooden front they're standing behind). I
think this was the black and white version.
The boat that the Professor is trying to fix is named "Minnow", but
the one that is shown in the opening credits says "SS Minnow".
As early as the second season, the Skipper has two shirts, both royal
blue polo shirts. One has raglan sleeves, the other regular sleeves. The
one with raglan sleeves appears to have a permenant "guava jelly" stain
below the neck opening. The Skipper appears to change his
shirts often, even during a cutaway.
Pilot Episode ("Marooned"). Near the beginning of the first episode, wait until
you can see the boat in the background. Look at the people on the boat. Those
people aren't the castaways that are normally on the island! The rest of the
episode has the regular people. (Note: The reason this happened, was the beginning
of the episode was also shot for the pilot episode. The people in the background
were the original cast, not the cast we know and love today).
Pilot Episode ("Marooned"). As a plane flies overhead, the castaways use
fish to spell out the word 'HELP' on the beach. Gilligan ruins their rescue
hopes by constructing the letter 'P' backwards. However, since all the
remaining letters are correct, anyone seeing the letters from the air should
be able to decipher the world 'HELP!
Episode #2 is entitled "Home Sweet Hut" and is about the time
that the castaways build one hut, decide it's too crowded, and
then decide to build their own individual huts. During this
episode, Gilligan visits the girls' hut and Mary Ann and Ginger
smell some homemade (hut-made?) fudge burning! When
Gilligan tries to open the door, the four hut walls fall down and
we can see there is nothing inside the hut! No stove, no fudge,
no nothing!
Episode #2, home sweet hut, as the storm rages outside, a small metal
canteen is sitting next to Ginger on the table. The rocking of the table
knocks it on the floor, but in the next shot, she has it in her hand and
is drinking from it!
Episodes #3 & 57 have conflicting superstitious beliefs! In
episode 3, the Skipper and Professor go to search the island and
leave Gilligan to guard the other castaways with a gun and a
rabbit's foot! Before they leave, the Skipper tells Gilligan to use
the `rabbit's foot' if the gun doesn't work. However, in episode
57, as Gilligan is searching through the laundry to find his lucky
`rabbit's foot,' the Skipper tells him that the belief in a `rabbit's
foot' is nothing but an old wives' tale, and anyone who actually
believes in it must be out of his mind.
Episode #3, Gilligan is in the supply hut looking for an alleged
"monster!" Suddenly, he sees the shadow of the hut's door open.
When Gilligan moves towards the door and out of camera range,
you can see the shadow of a stagehand throw a dummy at him,
which Gilligan then fights off as he enters the picture again.
Episode #6, "President Gilligan," Gilligan is elected president of
the island. When he is giving a speech during dinner, he is asked
to pass a plate of food. The plate is so hot that he can't hold it!
Well, if It's so hot, how come the Skipper and Professor had no
problem holding it for a considerable amount of time?
Episode #7, ("The Sound of Quacking"),there are no brick structures visible
in the clearing where the castaways live. But, the first two times that the
duck appears in the cage there is clearly a brick wall visible from the cage.
These two shots were duplicates of a shot from Gilligan's dream (where the
duck appears inside a jail) but were out of place in the castaway's clearing.
Episode #8, the Professor glues the S.S. Minnow together. Later,
in that episode, the glue doesn't stick and the boards (from the
Minnow) fly apart and the Minnow is completely destroyed!
However, in episode #35, Gilligan and the Skipper had a bet on
the Minnow, and the Skipper loses that "old tub." Does that
mean Gilligan only won Minnow planks? Or doesn't that infer
that the Minnow was still partially intact? Also in episode #96, The
Professor takes a picture of the shipwrecked people in front of the minnow to
attach to the Homing Pigeon.
Episode #8, while it makes sense that the boards that were glued onto the
boat to repair the holes would come loose and fall off, there's absolutely
no reason whatsoever for the rest of the boat to fly apart the way it does.
Episode #9, Mary Ann and Ginger are fishing when they hook something
big. The Skipper helps by taking hold up of the line. In one shot, his feet
are almost in the water..ALMOST. Then, in the next shot, the Skipper is
wet up to his knees, when he didn't go in the water yet.
Episode #9, Gilligan and Mr. Howell discover a Gold mine.
Later, as the castaways attempt to leave the island in a raft, Lovey
is the first one to fall through-into the lagoon. But in the next
shot as Howell says, "Women and luggage first," Mrs. Howell is
dry and sitting back on the raft next to Mr. Howell. In addition,
just prior to the gold mine discovery (as Gilligan goes after a golf
ball that Mr. Howell hit), the shadow of a stagehand is seen in
front of him. ALSO-as the Skipper talks to Gilligan in an
underground cave, a boom microphone can be seen in the top left
of the frame!
Episode #9, there is a scene where Mr. Howell falls into a pit. If you watch closely
you will notice that there is a ledge just below the camera that Howell uses to
fall/roll into the hole. Looks like it was deliberate so that he wouldn't get hurt
on stage.
Episode #11, "Angel on The Island," Gilligan and the Skipper are
reminiscing about the rescues that Gilligan ruined. At one point,
Gilligan acknowledges that he lost the anchor which caused the
Minnow to strike a reef. However, in episode #5, "Court
Martial," the castaways build a mock Minnow to find out what
went wrong during the storm that caused them to get
shipwrecked! (Also, after recreating the storm the castaways find
that Gilligan forgot to attach the anchor-line to the anchor before
casting it overboard!)
Episode #15, a Japanese sailor from World War 11 comes to the
island in a submarine. Later, Gilligan attempts to pilot the
Japanese submarine back to the island for help. As he submerges,
it is obvious that the "submarine" consists of only the turret
itself! As the submarine begins to descend with the hatch open,
you can see water rising up from inside the turret as it nears the
surface of the water. In addition, as the turret sinks below the
surface, you can see Gilligan's feet splash the water's surface on
the outside of the turret!
Episode #16, "PIant You Now, Dig You Later," Gilligan finds a
treasure chest that when opened only contained old cannonballs.
However, in the closing credits, it said: "Special Guest (Star)
Larry Storch as Jackson Farrell." But there was no guest on that
show; he was in the following episode: "Little Island, Big Gun!"
Episode #17, At the end of the episode when Jackson Farrell is
leaving in the boat, the Professor calls him............MR. JACKSON
..............when in fact he should have called him MR. FARRELL.
Episode #18 a missile is headed to the island to test its guidance
module. During the episode Gilligan looks into the Professors
handmade mirror and mentions that he has not seen himself in a
long time-EVEN THOUGH there is a mirror hanging in his hut!
(In addition, the Howells and Ginger also have mirrors!)
Episode #18, a missile is launched and lands in the lagoon. The
missile has a `homing' device and heads towards the castaways.
Then, the castaways split into two groups with Gilligan, the
Skipper, Ginger and the Professor running to the right side of the
missile while everyone else runs to the left. When the camera
`pans' to the left of the missile we see the other castaways and
the Professor who is now on the left side of the missile! I guess
he ran around the island and showed up on the left of the two seconds!
Episode #18 is entitled "X Marks THE SPOT" and is about when
the castaways learn from their radio that their island is targeted
by the Pentagon to test a new explosive missile. During this
episode, the missile is to be launched to the "isolated" island
located 250 miles southeast of Hawaii at 140 longitude and 10
latitude. However, if these coordinates are plotted and measured,
it is found that the island is actually (exactly) 1418 miles
southeast of Hawaii. In addition, if "Gilligan's Island" was at this
location, the nearest "charted" island to it would be Kiritimati
(Christmas) Island, belonging to the Republic of Kiribati.
Episode #19, "Gilligan Meets Jungle Boy." When Gilligan sees the
jungle boy and the boy shows him the rock filled with helium, you can
easily see the string holding Gilligan's hat when it floats in the air.
Episode #20 (St. Gilligan and the Dragon), the girls leave the
men because the men won't build them a hut. Thurston Howell
begs Lovey to stay and says: "But Lovey, we've been married 19
wonderful years." But, later that night, the men are talking about
women and Mr. Howell says, "I know everything there is to know
[about women]. I've been married to one for 22 years." Not 19
years as he had said previously, in the same episode!
Episode #21, the surfer (Duke Williams) lands on the island.
When Duke Williams comes ashore on the surfboard, he
collapses on the beach wearing only a loincloth. But throughout
the episode, he wears long pants, a t-shirt and a hat which could
not possibly fit the other castaways!
Episode #21, "Big Man on Little Stick", When Skipper goes in the water
to get Gilligan out from under the surfboard, his pants are already wet,
as if the scene had been shot more than once without him changing clothes.
Episode #23, "How to be a Hero" When Gilligan is giving his little "hero
speech," the Skipper shows Gilligan the skull and then Gilligan faints. The
shot moves out and we see Gilligan fall straight back behind the table. HOWEVER,
if you look under the table, you can clearly see the mat that Bob Denver lands
on, and to confirm what it is, it moves when he lands on it.
Episode #24, "Big Man on a Little Stick," surfer Duke Williams
says that if he doesn't get off the island "he'll go ape!" He
eventually does ago ape" as Tongo the Ape Man in episode #88,
"Our Vines Have Tender Apes!" (Did Duke/Denny have ESP?
Did he know that 64 episodes later he would be an Ape Man?)
Episode #27, the castaways think they hear the voices of
gangsters-which is really just the talk of a parrot. During a scuffle
between Gilligan, the Skipper, the Professor and Mr. Howell, a
"dummy Gilligan" can be seen as it is thrown in from the right
side by a stagehand. ALSO near the end of the episode-Gilligan
takes two bites from a cracker, but when he hands it to the parrot,
the cracker is complete again!
Episode #28, "They're off and Running," Mary Ann has a vegetable garden,
and Gilligan is seen eating carrots, and it is said there are turnips,
lettuce, and other vegetables. However, in episode 71: "Pass the Vegetables
Please," they say that they missed vegetables and that they haven't had them
since they were shipwrecked. Maybe they forgot that Mary Ann had a whole
garden full right there on the island!
Episode #35, "My Fair Gilligan," Mr. Howell adopts Gilligan! In
a scene where Gilligan and Mr. Howell are talking to each other,
Mr. Howell is wearing glasses in a long shot; and then, when the
camera cuts to a close-up, Mr. Howell is no longer wearing them.
Also, Ginger glances off screen and almost breaks up laughing
after getting splattered with a pie!
Episode #35, Gilligan saves Mrs. Howell's life. Because of that,
the Howells adopt Gilligan and call him "Gilligan Thurston
Howell the Fourth." In that episode, they mention that they have
no children. However, in 1981, in the movie: "THE HARLEM
suddenly have a son, Thurston Howell IV. Did they adopt a son
sometime during the "Rescue" movie, or did the writers forget
about episode #35?
Episode #38, "Beauty Is As Beauty Does," Mr. Howell tries to
bribe Gilligan into casting his deciding vote for Mrs. Howell in
the beauty contest. Gilligan refuses, to which Mr. Howell claims
that he was only testing Gilligan's honesty and to "cherish the
thought" that it was a bribe when he meant to say "perish the
Episode #39, Gilligan dreams that he is a dictator of a Latin
American nation. However, the decoration hanging from his neck
is a Knight's Cross (a German decoration from World War II).
The Knight's Cross was an enlarged version of the famous Iron
Cross. If you look closely, you can see the faint outline of a Nazi
swastika in the center of the cross!
Episode #40, a Mars probe lands on the island in the episode,
"Smile, You're on Mars Camera." When the probe lands on the
island, the men at NASA are very shocked and surprised as they
notice palm trees and huts. But, according to the radio
announcer, he said that the NASA men reported seeing palm
trees and huts before the probe landed.
Episode #40 , "Smile, You `re on Mars Camera"), Ginger has a
shawl wrapped around her when the glue pot explodes, but does
not have one on just prior to the explosion. Also, the castaways
gather in front of the camera with S.O.S. signs. When nothing
happens, the Professor suggests that they rest. Gilligan then
places all the signs behind the camera-all but the Skipper's. But
later when Gilligan runs to get the signs and knocks over the
camera, the Skipper's sign is there with the others. Finally, at the
end of the episode, the Professor asks the Skipper for the time.
The Skipper calls for Gilligan who walks out of the hut and
cuckoos three times. As Gilligan returns to the hut, the door
seems to mysteriously close behind him.
Episode # 40 (Smile, You're On Mars Camera) contradicts Episode #66
("V" for Vitamins.) In episode #40, Gilligan says that he doesn't
want the Mars probe to see him because then his brother will see him and
clobber him because Gilligan is wearing his shirt. Yet in episode #66,
Gilligan clearly states that he doesn't have a brother! The only
explanation I can think of is that when Gilligan said he didn't have a
brother, it was in a dream sequence, so maybe in real life he has a
brother but in the dream he didn't.
Episode #43, the castaways find some silent movie equipment
and make a silent movie in which they hope will initiate their
rescue. As the castaways watch the silent movie that they
produced, it's interesting to note that the accompanying music (in
the background) is the Gilligan's Island theme song [without
Episode #43, "Castaways Films Presents," the Skipper tries
unsuccessfully to fit into a wet suit. The Professor immediately
states that he (the Professor) can't fit into it either. If he already
knew this, why did he let the Skipper try it on?
Episode #45, ("Nyet, Nyet, Not Yet"), Gilligan states that the current time
is 8:00 am and that he set his watch earlier that morning from a radio
broadcast at 10:30am! Does time somehow go backwards on the island -- as
there is a -150 minute difference from the radio broadcasted time to the time
he set his watch to?
Episode #46 is entitled "Hi Fi Gilligan" and is about the time
when Gilligan's fillings acted as a radio receiver. When the
Professor and Gilligan look up into the sky, the sky shows the
same cloud formation that is seen in the show's opening
sequence when the Minnow is being tossed about!
Episode #47, "The Chain of Command," Gilligan orders the
remaining five castaways to begin for the Skipper "right now."
Obviously they didn't leave at once because May Ann has
changed from her red gingham dress to blue jeans.
Episode #47, Gilligan becomes the castaways leader-in place of
the Skipper. Towards the end of the episode while Gilligan is
leading the castaways towards camp, he is walking backwards
and falls off a cliff. If you notice, when he falls he's wearing the
Skipper's hat and when they show Gilligan holding onto a tree
branch, he is once again wearing his own hat.
Episode #48, "Don't Bug The Mosquitoes," Mr. Howell stands
in front of the castaways' curtained stage and introduces the
Honeybees. The curtains on the stage, however, seem to open by
themselves. For when the curtains opened the girls were set and
ready on stage. Gilligan, the Skipper, and she Professor were
seated in the audience, and Mr. Howell was moving toward the
phonograph. Therefore, none of the castaways opened the
Episode #50, "Mine Hero," Gilligan reels in a magnetically
attracted World War II mine. When trying to deactivate the mine,
Gilligan gets `pulled into it' by the magnetic qualities of the mine
pulling Gilligan by his Lucky Clover Necklace! But how come
the mine didn't react to Gilligan's Lucky Clover Necklace when
he first found it?
Episode #51 is entitled "Erika Tiffany-Smith To The Rescue" and
is about the time that Erika Tiffany-Smith (played by Zsa Zsa
Gabor) lands on the island with the primary purpose to build a resort
after she leaves the island, she has ample time (during a radio interview)
to tell the proper authorities that she came across all the passengers
of the Minnow - alive and safe on an island! How come she doesn't tell
the authorities this? [Although not a filming flub, Erika really goofs!]
Episode #53, ("You've Been Disconnected"), a conversation between Ginger and
the Professor indicates that the Skipper's birthday is in April. However in
episode #28 ("They're Of and Running"), Ginger directly asks the Skipper
when his birthday is so she can correctly 'read' his month's horoscope and
the Skipper says his birthday is May 8th! Also, since birthdays were
'celebrated' or 'not celebrated' during numerous episodes, why would there
by any doubt or confusion as to when any castaway's birthday would be!
Episode #59, "Ship Ahoax," Ginger says she can predict the
future. She pretends to read a crystal ball. (Unknown to the other
castaways, the Professor is helping Ginger by hiding underneath a
table.) With the Professor under the table, there is a very large
tablecloth over it (to hide him) but during the close-ups of him-
you can see the jungle and trees behind him instead of the back
side of the table cloth (so he's not hiding from anyone!)
Episode #59, "Ship Ahoax," Gilligan accidently breaks Ginger's crystal ball.
Inevitably, in the next scene the (repaired) crystal ball again shows up in
the middle of the table, under which the professer is sitting.
Episode #61, "Operation Steam Heat," The volcano is going to erupt. During the
scene when the castaways feel the tremor, if you look between Ginger and Mary Ann,
you will see a balloon inflate to provide the ash. It occurs just as skipper mentions
it never snows on a tropical island.
Update: Actually it was Mrs. Howell's parasol opening. Look at it again.
Episode #62, an imposter (look-a-like) Mr. Howell takes the
wallet from the real Mr. Howell and then leaves the island! Just
seven episodes later, in episode #69, Gilligan is in the Howell's
hut in the middle of the night. When Gilligan accidentally wakes
Mr. Howell, Thurston asks Gilligan if he's after his (Mr.
Howell's) wallet! [Ed.- Maybe Mr. Howell had more than one
Episode #65, we see several outside shots of Boris Balinkoffs
island castle. The shots of this castle are from the movie: The Pit
and the Pendulum (1961) starring Vincent Price; and is available
on video cassette!
Episode #65, the castaways are taken to Dr. BalinkofFs island.
Gilligan and the Skipper are sitting at a dinner table in Balinkoffs
castle. When Balinkoff and his assistant, Igor, leave Gllligan and
the Skipper alone in the room, a dog emerges from behind a
walled bookcase that mysteriously opens and closes by itself.
Episode #65, a mad scientist takes the castaways (off the island)
to his castle. While in the castle, Ginger is wearing red shoes.
However, as the castaways return to the island, she's suddenly
wearing white shoes!
In episode #65 the castaways escape from the mad scientists
Island by stealing his motor boat. Instead of using the boat to
return to civilization they return to their Island.
Episode #66, "V For Vitamins," the castaways are suffering from
a vitamin C deficiency and they argue over Gilligan's last orange.
However, the Professor fails to realize that the pineapples sitting
in a bowl on the table also contain Vitamin C!
Episode #71, Gilligan says that he loves spinach!
Then in episode #19, Gilligan was using the lie detector and said
that he loved spinach, and it said that he was lying!
Episode #71 is entitled "Pass The Vegetables Please" and is
about the time when a crate of radioactive vegetable seeds wash
ashore. During this episode, when the planted seeds start to
grow, Gilligan calls out for the other castaways to come and look
at their garden. The Professor can't believe that the seeds grew
into plants so fast and Mary Ann asks about how the carrots are
doing. If it's true that Mary Ann's favorite vegetable is carrots
and that she grew up on a farm, she certainly would have noticed
the carrots growing right in front of her!
In episode # 72 "The Producer"
After the Producer has told the professor to speed up the tempo, Hecuba runs
back on the stage.You can see the door swing shut. The the door swings open
partly, falls off the hinges and starts to fall on the stage. But when the
camera goes back to the stage, the door is back and shut. (I guess since the
professor is the tech-crew, he got the door back up in no time flat).
Episode #73 is entitled "Voodoo." In this episode, the Professor
has been turned into a frozen zombie, yet you can still see his
eyes blink every so often.
Episode #73, after the Professor has
been turned into a zombie and Ginger mistakenly does a
"rain dance," all of the Castaways (except for the
Professor, of course) run into a hut to stay out of
the rain. The next day when we first see the
Professor, he looks dry. After the Skipper instructs
Gilligan to return the last artifact (the broach Mary
Ann was wearing) and he returns with the Castaways'
Voodoo dolls, the Professor's hair is suddenly matted
to his head, making him appear to be wet! Yet only
minutes before, he was dry and his hair looked the
same as it always does.
Episode #75, "Man With A Net," the castaways all drink "tea", which is actually alcohol. Note
that the Professor is drinking it too. In an earlier episode the Professor says that
he doesn't drink (or that he is allergic to alcohol). How in the
world did he manage to gulp down enough of the stuff to
be knocked out cold?
Episode #76, "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow," when Gilligan
becomes bald, Ginger brings him a wig to wear that she says she
made from her own hair. However, the length and style of
Ginger's hair in that scene is the same as in the previous scene,
before she had made the wig.
Episode #78 When the headhunters capture all the castaways except
for Gilligan, you may notice that the cage that the six residents
are in only has two sides to it, as you can tell when there is an
angle that is shot from behind. Too bad they didn't notice this
and were able to escape.
Episode #78, "Topsy Turvy," when the Professor tells Gilligan not to believe
everything he sees, the door swings shut behind Gilligan and the Skipper.
When Gilligan goes out for the bananas, the door is still magically open!
Episode #78, "Topsy Turvy," Gilligan sits down to eat bananas while still suffering from
double vision. As he is sitting there a faint puff of smoke appears from off screen from the left,
quickly followed by a slightly more substantial puff. The Professor's experiments are inside the hut
and the table is empty except for the banana bunch when Gilligan comes out, so there doesn't appear to
be any source for the smoke within the reality of the island set. Perhaps some one on the set crew is
smoking off camera?
Episode #81 where Gilligan thinks that he is Dr. Hyde, at the
end he falls through a trap door with a clothes line rapped
around him, saving the day. As he hangs there the professor
replies "the rope is holding the trap door open." BUT his mouth
Episode #82, Eva Grubb comes to the island. During a scene, the
castaways dress up Eva to look like Ginger. Then there is a split-
screen shot of Eva and Ginger. In that shot, they look alike with
Eva wearng a yellow dress exclaiming, "I'm the most beautiful
girl I've ever seen!" However the mirrow reflects an image of Eva
wearing an orange dress PLUS we can see from the back that
Eva's dress is yellow!
In Episode #82 Mrs. Howell said that she cannot speak or understand
French. Yet, in "You've Been Disconnected" during the scene when the
Professor was tapping into the wires, she stated that she "speaks
fluent French and Italian".
In Episode #83 the Skipper is swearing Gilligan in as a deputy, Gilligan starts
reciting the Boy Scouts' Code. But he holds up three fingers, and while that
is a Scout symbol, it's the symbol for the Girl Scouts.
Episode #84 a radio station sends out George Barkley to stay on
the island for a week. When the Professor took a look at the
transmitter that was supposedly broken by the Skipper, the
Professor said that he couldn't fix it because a fuse was missing.
If the Professor was so smart, why didn't he short the two wires
together, or shave a penny to short it together? Come on,
Professor, you're smarter than that!
Episode #84, "Take a Dare," a man will win $10,000 if he spends
a week on an island-all alone! The Professor accuses Mary Ann
of using his hammock to collect the wash, despite the fact that he
sleeps on a hard bamboo bed!
Episode 85 is when Gilligan dreams he's an admiral and his ship
is taken over by pirates. In the dream sequence, the pirates have
Gilligan locked in a cage on deck. The cage is only a few feet
away from the ship's mast where the keys are hanging. Because
of this, Gilligan is able to free himself by using his belt to latch
on to the keys. Later on, however, as Gilligan is sword fighting
around the mast (with the pirates), the cage has mysteriously
Episode #86, "The Hunter," a big game hunter goes man hunting
after Gilligan. The hunter, Jonathan Kincaid, lands on the island
and asks the castaways if there is any wild game on the island (to
hunt)- the castaways say no. However, in an earlier episode: #74,
"Where There's A Will," the castaways trap a wild boar for Mr.
Howell's party! Maybe the castaways wanted Kincaid to hunt
Gilligan...after all of his blunders!!!
Episode #86, ("The Hunter"), Gilligan falls into a water trough
head first, but when Kincaid tries to pull him out, he emerges as
if he had fallen in feet first.
Episode #86, big game hunter Jonathan Kincaid has been pulled
into the water trough by Gilligan. When Kincaid emerges from the
water and tries to shoot Gilligan, he discovers that his gun will
not fire because it has become waterlogged. The Professor and the
Skipper are right behind Kincaid when he tries to fire his rifle.
When they see that Kincaid's gun could not fire, the Professor and
the Skipper could have overpowered Kincaid, imprison him with his
assistant, Ramoo, whom they had captured earlier, and then have
taken off in Kincaid's helicopter for help. [Ed - But that would
have ended the series]
Episode #87, the Professor makes a lie detector. In that episode,
Gilligan's playing with the device and says, "I LIKE SPINACH"
and the lie detector light turns red and it whonks which signifies
that Gilligan was Iying. But in episode #71 when radioactive
seeds are planted, Gilligan announces that spinach is his favorite
vegetable and he ate enough to give himself Superhuman
Episode #89, "Beauty Is And Beauty Does" around 12 minutes in, The Professor
trips Gilligan with a bamboo stick. Gilligan falls down, and right in front
of him lies a cigarette butt. He even looks right at it! Everybody use to smoke
back then, including Gilligan, Skipper & Professor.
Episode #89, "Gilligan's Personal Magnetism." Skip to the part where
Gilligan has become invisible. Now go to the section where Mary Ann enters
the Skipper and Gilligan's hut with a glass of coconut milk. When the
invisible Gilligan starts to drink the milk, one can see a large rubber tube
extending from Mary Ann's right sleeve and going to the bottom of the glass.
This is how they got the milk to disappear! They sucked it through the tube.
Episode #89, "Gilligan's Personal Magnetism." After having a
bowling bowl stuck to his hand Gilligan & the Skipper are walking
into their hut. Gilligan swings his hand back and knocks the hut
door off its hinges. The hut door smashes over the Skippers' head.
The door has the S.S. Minnow lifesaver on it which the skippers' head
is also through. They cut to Gilligans' ashamed expression and when
they cut back to the Skipper the door & the lifesaver is on upside-down!
Episode #89, "Gilligan's Personal Magnetism" there is a scene where the
Professor is working on a way to remove the bowling ball-shaped rock from Gilligan's
hand. When the scene opens up - Mary Ann (Dawn Wells) is standing behind the
Professor with her finger in her nose. She must have been picking away absent-mindedly
when someone yelled "action" because she is clearly caught in that position. As the
scene begins to play out she just kind of leaves her finger in place, probably
hoping that it will look like a normal position. Then she casually brings her hand
down, wipes it, and then puts her hands on the professor's arm in the next moment of excitement.
Episode #89, In "Gilligan's Personal Magnetism," there is a scene where a bolt of lightning
stikes Gilligan. In the aftermath, the Professor, Mary Ann and the Skipper are looking around
for Gilligan (who has now turned invisible). The skipper paws through the "wreckage" - palm
branches that Gilligan is buried under. When he stands up it is apparent that the Skipper needs
to zip up his fly.
Episode #90, "Splashdown," when Gilligan is lighting the logs on
fire to spell S.O.S. you can see that his pants are already smoking
before he backs into the lighted torch. Also, hiding under a tarp
in the space capsule, Mr. Howell is holding his teddy bear.
However, he then asks for it and Mrs. Howell finds it in a
Episode #92, "The Second Ginger Grant," Mary Ann faints and
when revived thinks she's Ginger. After a hypnotic sequence,
Gilligan falls into some mud and decides to take a bath in his hut.
Later, when the Skipper uses the key words "Mary Ann,"
Gilligan thinks he's Mary Ann and in embarrassment puts his
entire head under the water. A minute later (when Gilligan is
outside the hut) he is wrapped in a towel and his hair is dry! I
know the tropics are sometimes hot, but can it really completely
dry hair in just one minute?
Episode #95 where Gilligan wears a jet pack and is trying to get
the Navy to spot him (they think he's a UFO).. when he takes off
of the island, palm trees are everywhere, but on a down shot, you
see nothing but pine trees! No palms in sight..
Episode #96, "The Pigeon," when the Skipper and Professor try
to trap the giant spider in a four-part noose, the spider returns
toward the cave where Gilligan is trapped. However, immediately
the spider is gone and Gilligan runs toward the trap and tries it
even though the spider was fast shown moving back to the cave.
Additionally in this episode, the Professor suggests taking a
photograph of the castaways in front of the wreckage of the
Minnow, implying that the wreckage still existed, although it
totally fell apart in episode 8!
Episode #97 "Bang, Bang, Bang," the monkey is on the
roof of the hut throwing plastic explosives at the castaways.
In that scene, the Professor runs behind a tree with his shirt
un-tucked and his belt off. This happens just as the monkey
throws a plastic golf ball at the tree. He then runs out and his
shirt is tucked in and his belt is on. Did he risk his life to look
more presentable?
Episode #97, "Bang!Bang!Bang!," Mrs. Howell is excited about
playing her "first" game of golf, although she played golf on
episode #57, and took the robot's advice on how to play her next
Episode #97, a crate of plastic explosives floats onto the island.
When Gilligan finds the modeling plastic, Mary Ann says they
won't have to eat off of wooden plates anymore, yet at the end of
the episode, the monkey throws a glass plate and breaks it! If the
castaways only had wooden plates, where did the glass/china
plate come from?
Sherwood Schwartz says he gets a particular kick out of this
season because of the goofs that are pointed out. He says that
there are so many problems producing an episode every week that
it's easy to lose track of information; in #77 which violates
something that was said or done in episode #23. One goof he
remembers is in seeing five different maps of the island which the
Professor had drawn on a blackboard in various episodes, none
of which resembled any of the others, but they were too busy to
notice that during the time of filming!
From the "Rescue from Gilligan's Island movie". The Professor is
in his school laboratory talking to an anthropology professor
about the courting rituals of primitive native tribes. The Professor
recalls that one part of the native courtship procedure was for a
couple to share coconut milk from a common straw. The
Professor states that the name of the straw was a "watubi."
However, in the series, the word "Watubi" was the name of a
mythical witch doctor in episode #10.
From the "Rescue from Gilligan's Island movie". The Professor
discovers that a tropical storm is approaching the island. He
tells the Skipper and Gilligan that the storm will create a
tsunami which will hit the island. The Skipper tells Gilligan
that "tsunami" is an islander word for a large tidal wave.
However, tsunamis are not caused by storms. Rather, they
are caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions on the ocean
floor. Secondly, the Skipper's definition for the word "tsunami"
is correct. However, "tsunami" is a Japanese word.
From the "Rescue from Gilligan's Island movie". A fierce storm is
approaching, and the castaways are tying themselves down in the
main hut to ride out a tidal wave that is about to hit the island. At
first, Mr. Howell objects to being tied down because he will not be
able to reach his wallet and credit cards in such a position.
However, every credit card is valid only for a few years until its
expiration date, at which time a new card is then issued to the
credit card holder. Since Mr. Howell has had the same credit
cards on the island for 15 years, the cards would all have expired
long ago and would now be obsolete.
In "The Castaways on Gilligan's Island," Gilligan falls out of the
airplane with Mrs. Howell's suitcase. His hat also can be seen falling off.
But, in the shot of him falling, his hat is on and the suitcase is nowhere
to be seen!
In the reunion movie, "Rescue From Gilligan's Island," the
Professor invented several items on his return to civilization, only
to find that his `inventions' had been previously invented while
he was shipwrecked. This implies that these items had not been
invented prior to 1964!
The first item is a plastic toy that Gilligan recognizes as a Frisbee.
However, Frisbees have been a popular outdoor toy since the
1950's. The second item is pantyhose. However, (modern day)
pantyhose have been in use since the 1920's! The third item was
an electric toothbrush, which were developed just after World
War II and became available for consumer use in the 1950's! And
the Professor "re-invented" a devise for moving furniture which
was rally a skateboard. However skateboards were developed in
the late 1950's and became quite popular in the early 1960's-
prior to the wreck of the S.S. Minnow.
In "Rescue From Gilligan's Island" (castaways reunion TV
movie), the castaways go for a one year reunion cruise aboard the
Minnow II in which they get re-stranded on the same island.
After the shipwreck, Gilligan discovers the "Minnow I" plank
from the original boat. First of all, the original boat was called
the "S.S. Minnow. " Secondly why would they have named it "Minnow I"
unless they knew there would eventually be a "Minnow II?
first songs of the musical, the Skipper sings about his
bereavement of having Gilligan as his first mate. During the song,
he sings about being indebted to Gilligan's father for saving his
life when they were in the Navy together. (That's why he felt
obligated to keep Gilligan as his first mate.) However, from
episode pilot, episode #1, and several others, the Skipper often
talks about how Gilligan saved his life when they were in the
Navy together!
S.S. Minnow Facts. All of the Minnows used in the show contained
flybridges where the steering wheels were located. However, boats
having flybridges also have a second steering wheel in the cabin
below the flybridge, where the windshield is located. Boats having
flybridges (including the Minnow) can thus be steered from the
shelter of the flybridge cabin. On page 21 of Russell Johnson's
book, "Here on Gilligan's Isle," you can see the second steering
wheel in the cabin. You can also see the other steering wheel on
the flybridge itself. Therefore, in the show's opening sequence of
the storm, it makes little sense that the Skipper and Gilligan are
steering the boat from the flybridge when they could be completely
sheltered from the storm by steering from within the flybridge cabin.