Gilligan's Island Float
(1st place Governor's Award)

Vicki loves to do floats...That's her thing. Every year Austin County Fair has
a theme for the parade and this year it was "By The Sea." Well, we came up with the
the idea of doing Gilligan's Island because we thought it would be a lot of fun.
Part of the rules of the Parade are that you have to tie the truck and trailer
together in with the theme. No part of the trailer can be showing. Vicki came
up with the idea of building a boat around the Goose neck trailer so it was
concealed. So my husband Hans and Vicki's Cousin Jay got to building the boat.
Well our imagination went wild from there. They had a Gilligans Island marathon
on TV Land and Vicki saw the show where Gilligan was washing clothes in a
barrel. That's where the bike covered with cane came from. We had a bubble
machine inside the barrel so it would look like he was washing clothes. I was
Mary Ann, but sorry I didn't color my Blonde hair to fit the part.
Most of the stuff we used was recycled from our Lions Club Extravaganza that we
have every year. The trees and the hut were from one of our parties. We cut the
cane from the road side around the county and we used sand from Vicki's back
We live in New Ulm, Texas, about 75 miles west of Houston. It's a small German
town of about 400.
S.S. Minnow
The Crew
Float Again
The Hut
The Howell's
The Natives